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Some tips for businesses recruiting new people.

What do you think: Is your business modern with ambitions for growth? Active and assertive business or passive and reactive? Want the business benefits of equality and diversity? Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are usually defined as employing 1-249 people…

Happy New Year to you

What do you think? Small and medium businesses interested in hanging on to people with health issues? Got any examples of SMEs who are great employers of disabled people? Blind pewterer? After a very quiet Christmas remembering my mother who…

Government policies impact on disability employment

Did you know? •Autumn Statement may impact self-employed disabled people. •Access To Work support workers may be exempt from employers’ National Insurance contributions. •Government taking more notice of mental health issues – but perhaps not enough in relation to work?…

Benefit claimants de-humanised

Did you know? Society’s attitudes and the benefits system are vilifying, de-humanising and not helping the most vulnerable people. Getting permanently “signed off” work with a sick note can seem great at the time when you are struggling with the…

Abandoned unemployed

Do you know? How are we going to resolve the ever-increasing number of people abandoned by the labour market and benefits system? The November employment figures show that there has been a further improvement in the number of people in…

Inaccessible health care penalises disabled people

Did you know? Inaccessible health care probably causes long-term health problems for some disabled people. Cross Country Trains abdicate responsibility for disabled passenger. I talked about the Chief Medical Officer’s report a couple of weeks ago and how blind people…

Misery of blindness

Did you know? How devastating it can be to be blind when things go wrong? Free smoke alarms aren’t all they’re cracked up to be? Here’s a day in my life and what drives a normally competent and confident woman…

Social security more difficult than it’s worth

Did you know? Eligible people are still not taking up their benefit entitlements. I’ve written previously about the large numbers of people who are not working and are not receiving benefits. Now a further report says that others who are…

Worse health prospects for visual/hearing impaired

Did you know? I’m much more likely to get dementia or Alzheimer’s disease due to my blindness. Mental health treatment is vital to reduce lost working days and unemployment. Reading Chapter 4 of the UK Chief Medical officer’s report “on…

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