Speaking Engagements

Penny Introduces Public Speaking

Entertaining, challenging and funny, I’m a straight-talking speaker who totally engages audiences.   Surviving life-changing dramas is just one dimension: there’s joy, humour and the sheer satisfaction of showing that anyone can adapt, grow and succeed.   You don’t have to climb the highest mountain or run the fastest mile to inspire but simply roll with the blows and come up smiling.

Speaking & Flower Arranging
Speaking & Flower Arranging
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Speaking at a Gala Dinner in San Francisco

Penny on Speaking Engagements Around the World

Enquire About Me Speaking At Your Next Event

I’m now a #YesSheCan speaker!

Click here for more information.

See my interview with #YesSheCan; LinkedIn Twitter Facebook



"I learned my most effective D&I lesson from Penny. It was very simple and her direct delivery stopped me in my tracks and changed my language and construction from then on."

© 2024 - Penny Melville-Brown
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