Category Blog

Damp all over.

Water spray is a great alternative to smoke for controlling honey bees. Yesterday, we were extracting over 20 kg of honey from the wax honeycomb frames  from three of the sous-chef’s hives. Sticky work: removing the cappings from the honeycomb;…

Slept on it.

I confess that I was incandescent yesterday hearing that proposed tax reductions would be funded by removing benefits from many disabled people.   But I took a bit of time to mull it over and realise it was just appalling presentation.…

Wheat-free dessert.

My latest cooking experiment: pear and cardamom almondine courtesy of Sarah (another with the patience and understanding of a beekeeper’s wife).   I was testing out with the amazingly complex Thermomix that has been languishing on the worksurface until friend, Joan,…

So much talent.

At a charity conference last week.   What a mass of talent in the room: a former rugby player and singer, a defence specialist, a company law consultant, a member of a benefits tribunal, a tax specialist.   And those were only…

PIP: a bit of a rant!

Policy-makers want to reduce the costs of this benefit which supports people with disabilities. Firstly, PIP has nothing to do with work.  It doesn’t matter if those getting the benefit are working or not.  PIP is about the extra costs…

Ticket offices saved?

Talking on BBC Radio 5 Live last week about Labour’s plan to re-nationalise the railways, I was emphasising that 1-in-5 of the population are people with disabilities.   Add a travelling companion, carer, family member or friend, and the numbers affected…

Sticky mess

Definition of Vulnerability: sous-chef carefully pouring large container of warm sticky honey into jars and unable to defend himself without spreading stickiness everywhere.  Too tempting for tickling!   It’s been a week of charities.  Supporting the hand-over of Treasurers for…

Typical Monday morning?

Six tonnes of gravel arrived at o’crack sparrow to re-fill the drive.   Before the lorry could reverse and drop the enormous heap, one car to be moved and one bike rescued.   Most puzzling, the driver asked, “Have you got many…

Eggxactly right for Easter.

Here it is: a riot of scattered eggs, chasing chicks and romping rabbits atop the stag’s head cake stand. This is my basic fruit cake  (rolled out for Christmas and birthdays) but with an internal layer of marzipan baked into…


You never know: tips from a blind cook might catch on.  The new kitchen gadget is a keeper. For years, I’ve been making big celebration cakes: diligently soaking  the raisins, sultanas and currants in brandy for a month or more. …

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