Plastic lasting nearly as long as me.

Clear-out: discovered this bag actually named and dated nearly 50 years ago!    How’s that for hoarding and very lax cupboard-discipline?

Over-inspired to make braised red cabbage last week.  Huge vegetable needed lots of apples, onions, spices and more so massive goose pan in oven for 3 hours and now the freezer is groaning with all the boxes.  Added dates, raisins, honey, orange zest and juice.   Delicious.

Simple brunch with local pals over the weekend.  A really easy way to enjoy the company of friends with minimum prep, easy catering and stay relaxed.

Today’s mystery: boxes of unknown brown composition in the freezer.  First assessment: the weekend’s turkey stock.  More forensic and personality analysis : beeswax!    There will need to be discussions with the sous-chef …


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