Terrine de campagne.

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5 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped.

1 glass of white wine.

500g pork meat (100% lean, minced

500g pork meat (50% lean, 50% fat), minced

500g chicken livers, chopped.

2 large onions, peeled and finely chopped.

1 egg

3 teaspoons ground black pepper

1 teaspoon mace

1 teaspoon salt

A good slug of brandy.


Place the garlic and wine in a pan and gently heat to soften the garlic (or microwave in a bowl).

Get a very large bowl and add all the ingredients – I used my hands so had a bowl of hot soapy water ready.

When thoroughly mixed, fill the jars to the neck, fit the seal to the lid and clamp shut.

Place in a large pan and cover with at least an inch of water.

Bring to a simmer (100C)for three hours.

Allow to cool in the pan.

When the jars are cool enough to handle, release the clip and try to lift the lid.   If it is not possible, you have a good vacuum seal so replace the clip and store.


I also filled a silicone loaf mould with the terrine mix, on top of three bay leaves, vacuum packed it and cooked it in the sous-vide for 6 hours at 70C.

Alternatively, you could cover loosely with foil and place in a roasting tray filled with water.   Cook in a moderate oven (Gas4) and cook for a couple of hours – until a cooking thermometer shows 70C.

My Tips:

Served with the damson and apple, date and walnut chutneys, homemade bread rolls and salad garnish.   Excellent.

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