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A glut of summer strawberries.

This trio of desserts has a hint of orange: the classic cream tea scone and hot-water pastry tart , both topped with the frozen-fresh jam and served with more strawberries “cordon Bleu”  and an orange liqueur ice-cream. Sounds madly ambitious but…

Armed Forces Day UK – 27 June

Recently speaking at the 20th Anniversary dinner for the Solent Association of WRNS and other Naval women brought back powerful memories.    I wonder if military women nowadays realise the battles we fought for them.   All those stereotypes, prejudices, sexism and…

Another Baking Blind prize winner.

The super-simple fruit cake recipe won first prize in the cake competition at the Wales and West Wine, Beer and Food competition.  A friend of many years and nationally renowned wine and beer maker, Peter, used a 50-year old sweet…

Press Release: Bashing blind.

A wooden plenishing hammer, a disc of pewter and nimble fingers helped blind veteran, Penny Melville-Brown, turn a basic piece of pewter metal into a simple bowl at the Mettle Studios in Sussex Add a trio of offset bee-shapes…

So Far.

Very late-night mental meanderings between nephew Toby and I conjured up this title for a project celebrating the courage and determination of refugees. They have already come so far and still have far to go.   Toby is part of the…

Latest news from HMRC

HMRC to trial seasonal Self Assessment helpline We have announced that we are piloting a new seasonal model for the Self Assessment (SA) helpline, to prioritise helping those with urgent queries. For three months from 12 June, HMRC will trial…

Summer strawberry surprises.

  I’m trying to make a selection of strawberry desserts: a tart using a sweet version of the hot water pastry; a cream tea with a super-fresh strawberry “jam”; a classic French compote with Cointreau; the orange and Cointreau ice-cream. …

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