Category News

From the Tax people.

Customers can pay their tax bill in around 60 seconds using the HMRC app ahead of 31 January deadline Businesses that deferred VAT due to COVID-19 must act now to avoid a penalty

Planking Sous Chef!

Last year the sous-chef completed the 2,022 Press-ups in January Challenge in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society and raised just under £1,000. This year the challenge is to maintain the Plank Position for 6 minutes by the end of the…

Latest from HMRC

2023-24 Cost of Living Payments  Cost of Living Payments of up to £900 will be paid to eligible customers receiving means-tested benefits, including tax credits, in three new instalments throughout 2023 and 2024. The first 2023-24 payment of £301 will…

An enormous thank you!

Enormous thanks to over 7.5K of you who listened to me on the Christmas podcast featuring the “last-minute” cake .  Losing my sight wasn’t the end of the world, just the start of a new chapter!    Check out the book…

Christmas special podcast.

Christmas greetings to you. Just a short note of thanks for your support and enthusiasm over recent months. I’m rather cheating on Christmas greetings.   No cards but offering this link to a Christmas Special podcast I was asked to do…

Cost of Living Payments update

From HMRC: Millions of households across the UK receiving certain benefits, including tax credits, have now received Cost of Living Payments of up to £650, paid in two lump sums of £326 and £324. If a customer thinks they’re eligible…

Free Christmas entertaining on-line cooking demo.

I discovered these delicious savoury smoked salmon buns served with tartar sauce during a short break in France: quick, easy and lots of flavour variations.   At 1030 London time on Monday 12 December, I’ll be making them live plus an…

Stokes Bay WI

Rather grim picture of me speaking but the event was a great success: an enthralled audience of about 100; click here to read the article. 

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